Macleay Law Firm Annapolis Maryland.

First Responder Injury Lawyer

Reputable Maryland Law Firm Safeguards Rights of First Responders

Effective Maryland attorney fights for injured police, firefighters, EMTs and others

First responders put their lives on the line every day to help their communities. If you are a firefighter, police officer, emergency medical technician or other first responder who has been injured on the job, the Macleay Law Firm in Annapolis will work toward getting you the compensation you need for medical care and lost income. I have nearly 30 years of experience in helping injured employees navigate the complicated workers’ compensation filing and appeals process. In some cases, first responders may be able to file personal injury lawsuits for compensation. You can count on my law firm to stand up for your rights in getting you the financial help you need when you’ve been injured. I represent clients throughout Maryland.

Passionate attorney strongly advocates for first responders hurt on the job

On-the-job injuries to first responders happen in many ways. Some common causes of injuries include exposure to toxic substances, physical attacks, auto accidents and overexertion and repetitive stress injuries. Responders may also suffer from mental and emotional trauma caused by the difficult events that they help with and are witness to. My law firm helps these brave men and women get financial assistance when they are injured. If you are a first responder who has been hurt on the job, I can advise you about your options and the process for getting compensation.

Aggressive attorney helps with workers’ compensation filings and appeals

First responders are constantly being exposed to difficult circumstances that can result in serious injuries and mental trauma. For this reason, workers’ compensation in Maryland provides higher compensation rates to first responders. It also has expanded coverage in place for certain conditions. As just one example, workers’ comp laws make it easier for firefighters who were exposed to toxic chemicals to get compensation for cancer coverage. I understand the enhanced benefits first responders are entitled to and will help ensure you get the help you deserve.

Contact a responsive Annapolis Maryland trial lawyer for help with your injury claim

The Macleay Law Firm in Annapolis helps Maryland’s brave first responders get compensation for medical bills and lost income when they are hurt on the job. To schedule a free consultation, call my firm at 301-780-9253 or contact me online. 

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